PERFECT MOOSE: Efficiency without Compromise
Fully automated milk steaming - Perfect Moose saves time without sacrificing quality.
A great cup of coffee is the product of craftsmanship, and as with any craft the term ‘automation’ can be looked upon with an understandable degree of scepticism by its respective artisans, where efficiency often comes at the price of quality. However, the fully automated milk steaming utility of the Perfect Moose transcends any such misgivings, being well received by baristas who have been among the first to sing its praises; it’s favour by masters of craft see it quickly become an integral piece of equipment in many an operation within the professional coffee industry.
For anyone who’s worked a day in the industry, particularly during peak periods, it’s really not hard to understand the enthusiasm for Perfect Moose – in simple terms it lets you have your cake and eat it, accelerating your workflow without any sacrifice to quality. Where previously you may have stood steaming milk for 30-60 seconds, Perfect Moose’s automation simplifies the process entirely by doing it for you, and all with the reassurance of consistent quality. Where most other automated milk-steamers have a set push-button process, the Perfect Moose performs exact barista movements, and can be adjusted to the specifications of your recipe, such as what type of milk, the type of texture, as well as specific temperatures – this consistency also ensures against possible human error, guaranteeing that every jug poured conforms to the same standard of quality.
Further to this, Perfect Moose optimises its potential for consistency and efficiency using a three-jug system (all available in a number of sizes) with RFID technology. Each jug is embedded with an RFID chip, which allows them to be individually set for different milk profiles, specific to different recipes. For example:
- Black – for denser textures such as cappuccino
- White – for silkier textures such as lattes or flat white
- Green - for plant-based milks, or alternative settings
This is where Perfect Moose once again sets itself apart from other automated steamers that are limited to a single milk-type, and simply hold it at pre-programmed temperatures - Perfect Moose is no mere ‘hot-milk’ dispenser, and instead provides barista-quality milk textures. Further to this is the ease of utility this delivers, particularly given its potential for saving on training time: whilst less-experienced baristas continue to hone their skills. Infact with a Perfect Moose on your bench you can steam 2 milk jugs at the same time, allowing you to produce double up your milk steaming or steam one plant based and one dairy jug by having the barista use the espresso machine for one jug and the Moose takes care of the other. We find that the ability to simply colour code milk types and textures in the interim not only saves time but ensures that recipes remain consistent in spite of the lack of experience – and as someone who has recently tended to enjoy plant-based milks, I appreciate knowing that my oat milk latte won’t be steamed at the same temperature as regular dairy!
Steaming and texturing milk is not only one of the most time-occupying aspects for baristas, it also represents one of the most wasteful and expensive components for the industry – the opportunity to maximise workflow during busy periods, whilst keeping flavour consistent and wastage to a minimum, makes it easy to understand why Perfect Moose has been so readily accepted and endorsed by the professionals in the community. Check out this video here* to see the first-hand the how Perfect Moose delivers quality without compromise!
Want to learn more? Click here to view the Perfect Moose product page.