Make space, save time… streamline.

Minimal profile, maximum flavour: The vertical workflow of the PuqPress M3 offers ultimate integration between grinding and tamping in one compact design.
Upon its arrival to the professional and artisan coffee scene, it wasn’t just the 5-30 kilos of tamping pressure that helped the Puqpress make its big impression; (although that does directly contribute to how it locks in quality coffee flavours…)
“Puqpress tamps with more consistency than our staff which means we don’t have to attempt to match each other and can interchange roles with ease”
– M. Allison, Bunker Coffee
Where automation might otherwise (and perhaps understandably) have been viewed with a degree of scepticism by craft-persons, the Puqpress’ unparalleled engineering and intuitive design was readily welcomed by baristas for the consistency of its precise and level, non-stick tamping, which focused on optimal flavour extraction. Baristas could now ensure a greater degree of consistency from their recipes, and all without suffering the very real damage to shoulders and wrists, that can come from the repetitive tamping by hand, several hundred times a day.
“It tamps incredibly even with the same pressure all day long. A wonderful tool for baristas!”
– Klaus Thomsen, Coffee Collective
Puqpress M3
Given the standards of precision within the coffee industry, professionals can be very particular about their equipment (we know we are!), going to great lengths to ensure the right machine for the right job. These machines being so specialised for their specific roles, compatibility is a rare thing indeed.
Continuing their flair for innovative and applicable development, Puqpress have wasted no time at all in addressing this issue with the introduction of their M3 automatic tamper - designed to integrate seamlessly with the highly popular E65S and E65 GBW grinders from Mahlkonig. Their concept of vertical integration is a lean one in every sense: not just minimizing workstation surface area but also accelerating workflow. This affords baristas freedom between tasks, and also ensures the exquisite precision of a Mahlkonig grind is almost instantly sealed within the Puqpress’ automated tamping – ensuring optimal quality coffee flavour from a grind, and consistent extraction of that flavour, every time.
It’s heartening to see Puqpress’ commitment to coffee quality with this innovative integration providing such outstanding results; the addition of a Puqpress M3 eschews any compromise in struggling to accommodate highly individualistic devices, and instead integrates seamlessly to complement and accelerate the extraction process. We look forward to seeing what they’ll develop in the future and continue in the meantime to enjoy the benefits of their M3 automatic tamper!
You can find out more about the Puqpress M3 here, and Mahlkonig grinders here – alternatively, if you have any queries please don’t hesitate to get in touch; we’d love to hear from you!